Joining Poplar

By joining Poplar, you will join a network of world experts in delivering true quality and cost reduction. You will participate in value based contracts that can truly reward you for keeping people healthy. You will sign contracts with Medicare and other insurers that include 2-sided risk. You will be paid to keep your population of patients healthy.

"We work as a team and help you deliver true quality health care and cost reduction. You will be paid to keep your population of patients healthy."

Benefits of Joining our Network

We will work with you to achieve these milestones and more

A Practice Transformation Specialist will be assigned to you, whose mission is to help you transform to high-value care.

We will help you target a smaller panel size and deliver higher value, more satisfying care.

We will connect your practice to our data dashboard, so you can see and improve your practice's performance in meaningful ways.

We provide free training to your staff, so they can function at a higher level and deliver more value.

Our hiring team can help you bring in needed talent.

We have a team of health professionals including health and wellness coaches ready to provide lifestyle counseling from day 1.

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